Building a strong vocabulary is the cornerstone of mastering any language and our Albanian Vocabulary Section is designed to help you express yourself on variety of topics. There is no point in memorising the Grammar if you don't know what things are called so we recommend that your start your Albanian language learning from here. You can also find very specific Albanian words and expressions in the Culture section.
On this page you will find find the basic vocabulary to get started. Our vocabulary lists are carefully curated to cover a wide range of topics. Learning the most common 2,000 words will allow you to understand about 80-90% of everyday spoken or written material, provided you already have a grasp of the grammar. Languages follow th so-called the "Pareto Principle" (80/20 rule), where a small percentage of vocabulary accounts for the majority of communication.
For now we recommend you focus on reading the words a few times a day so that you can recognise them when you encounter them in a text or conversation. Learning Albanian vocabulary will be slightly easier if you know a Romance language (like Italian or Romanian) even if they are not related. After that you can learn start the Grammar section where you will find them in use.
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Download our complete Albanian language course below to learn Albanian in 30 days and never be at a loss for words!
You will receive not only all the contents available on our website in a convenient pdf or epub formats but also additional contents, including bonus vocabulary, more grammar structures and exclusive cultural insights with additional vocabulary you won't in any other textbook.
The additional vocabulary includes 200 different topics and more than 15.000 of the most important words, including specific categories like sports, religion, business, professions, nationalities, politics, slang, anatomy, medicine, nature, animals, etc., to allow to speak about any immaginable topic with confidence.
Useful Albanian Expressions
Hello! (form.) Përshëndetje!
Hi! (inform.) Ç'kemi!
greeting përshëndetje (f)
Good morning! Mirëmëngjes!
Good afternoon! Mirëdita!
Good evening! Mirëmbrëma!
Nátën e mírë! Good night!
How are you? (form.) Si jeni?
How are you? (fam.) Si je?
What's new? Çfarë ka të re?
Goodbye! Mirupafshim!
Bye! U pafshim!
See you soon! Shihemi së shpejti!
Farewell! Lamtumirë!
So long! Tungjatjeta!
Thank you! Faleminderit!
Thank you very much! Faleminderit shumë!
You're welcome Të lutem
Don't mention it! Asgjë!
Excuse me! (fam.) Më fal!
Excuse me! (form.) Më falni!
My apologies Kërkoj ndjesë
I'm sorry! Më vjen keq!
It's okay! (that's all right) S'ka gjë!
Please (adv) të lutem
Don't forget! Mos harro!
Certainly! Sigurisht!
Of course not! Sigurisht që jo!
Okay! (I agree) Në rregull!
That's enough! Mjafton!
Excuse me, … Më falni, …
mister, sir zotëri
ma'am zonjë
miss zonjushë
young man djalë i ri
young man (little boy, kid) djalosh
miss (little girl) vajzë
Most Common Albanian Verbs
to accompany (vt) shoqëroj
to accuse (vt) akuzoj
to acknowledge (admit) pranoj
to act (take action) veproj
to add (supplement) shtoj
to address (speak to) i drejtohem
to admire (vi) admiroj
to adopt (vt) adoptoj
to adore (vt) adhuroj
to advertise (vt) reklamoj
to advise (vt) këshilloj
to affirm (assert) pohoj
to agree (say yes) bie dakord
to aim (to point a weapon) vë në shënjestër
to allow (sb to do sth) lejoj
to amputate (vt) amputoj
to annoy fejoj
to answer (vi, vt) përgjigjem
to apologize (vi) kërkoj falje
to appear (come into view) shfaq
to applaud (vi, vt) duartrokas
to appoint (assign) caktoj
to approach (come closer) afrohem
to approve miratoj
to arrest ngurr
to arrive (ab. train) arrij
to ask (~ oneself) pyes
to ask (~ sb to do sth) pyes
to aspire to … synoj …
to assist (help) ndihmoj
to astonish (vt) mahnit
to attack (mil.) sulmoj
to attain (objectives) arrij
to avenge (get revenge) hakmerrem
to avoid (danger, task) shmang
to award (give medal to) dekoroj
to banish mërgoj
to battle (vi) luftoj
to be (vi) jam
to be a cause of … shkaktoj …
to be afraid kam frikë
to be angry (with …)
to be based (on …) bazuar
to be born lind
to be bored mërzitem
to be convinced bindem
to be enough mjafton
to be envious xhelozoj
to be hungry kam uri
to be indignant zemërohem
to be interested in … interesohem …
to be lost in thought humbas në mendime
to be lying (~ on the table) shtrihem
to be needed nevojitet
to be perplexed (puzzled) jam në mëdyshje
to be preserved ruhem
to be required kërkohet
to be surprised çuditem
to be thirsty kam etje
to be worried shqetësohem
to beat (to hit) rrah
to become (e.g., ~ old) bëhem
to begin (vt) filloj
to behave (vi) sillem
to believe (think) besoj
to belong to … përkas …
to berth (moor) ankoroj
to bite kafshoj
to bless bekoj
to blind (other drivers) zë rrugën
to blossom lulëzoj
to blow (wind) fryn
to blush (vi) skuqem
to boast (vi) mburrem
to boil vloj
to borrow (money) marr borxh
to bother ngacmoj
to break (branch, toy, etc.) thyej
to breathe (vi) marr frymë
to bring (sth) sjell
to burn (paper, logs) djeg
to buy (purchase) blej
to call (~ for help) thërras
to calm down (vt) qetësoj
can (v aux) mund
to cancel (call off) anuloj
to cast off (of a boat or ship) hedh poshtë
to catch (e.g., ~ a ball) kap
to change (~ one's opinion) ndryshoj
to change (exchange) shkëmbej
to charm (vt) tërheq
to choose (select) zgjedh
to chop off (with an ax) këpus
to clean (e.g., kettle from scale) pastroj
to clean (shoes, etc.) pastroj
to clean up (tidy) rregulloj
to close (vt) mbyll
to comb one's hair kreh flokët
to come down (the stairs) zbres
to come out (book) del
to compare (vt) krahasoj
to compensate (vt) kompensoj
to compete (vi) konkurroj
to compile (~ a list) përgatis
to complain (vi, vt) ankohem
to complicate (vt) komplikoj
to compose (music, etc.) kompozoj
to compromise (reputation) komprometoj
to concentrate (vi) përqendrohem
to confess (criminal) rrëfehem
to confuse (mix up) ngatërroj
to congratulate (vt) përgëzoj
to consult (doctor, expert) konsultohem
to continue (~ to do sth) vazhdoj
to control (vt) kontrolloj
to convince (vt) bind
to cook (dinner) gatuaj
to cooperate (vi) bashkëpunoj
to coordinate (vt) koordinoj
to correct (an error) korrigjoj
to cost (vt) kushton
to count (money,etc.) numëroj
to count on … mbështetem …
to crack (ceiling, wall) plasarit
to create (vt) krijoj
to crush, to squash (~ a bug) shtyp
to cry (weep) qaj
to cut off (with a knife) pres
to dare (~ to do sth) guxoj
to date from … daton …
to deceive (vi, vt) mashtroj
to decide (~ to do sth) vendos
to decorate (tree, street) zbukuroj
to dedicate (book, etc.) dedikoj
to defend (a country, etc.) mbroj
to defend oneself mbrohem
to demand (request firmly) kërkoj
to denounce (vt) denoncoj
to deny (vt) mohoj
to depend on … varem nga …
to deprive (vt) heq
to deserve (vt) meritoj
to design (machine, etc.) projektoj
to desire (want, wish) dëshiroj
to despise (vt) përbuz
to destroy (documents, etc.) shkatërroj
to differ (from sth) ndryshoj
to dig (tunnel, etc.) gërmoj
to direct (point the way) drejtoj
to disappear (vi) zhduk
to discover (new land, etc.) zbuloj
to discuss (vt) diskutoj
to distribute (leaflets, etc.) shpërndaj
to disturb (vt) shqetësoj
to dive (vi) zhytem
to divide (math) pjesëtoj
to do (vt) bëj
to do the laundry laj rroba
to double (increase) dyfishoj
to doubt (have doubts) dyshoj
to draw a conclusion nxjerr konkluzion
to dream (daydream) ëndërroj
to dream (in sleep) ëndërroj
to drink (vi, vt) pi
to drive a car ngas makinën
to drive away (scare away) largoj
to drop (let fall) lëshoj
to drown (ab. person) mbytem
to dry (clothes, hair) thaj
to eat (vi, vt) ha
to eavesdrop (vi) dëgjoj fshehurazi
to emit (diffuse - odor, etc.) emetoj
to enjoy oneself kënaqem
to enter (on the list) përfshij
to enter (room, house, etc.) hyj
to entertain (amuse) argëtoj
to equip (fit out) pajis
to examine (proposal) ekzaminoj
to exchange (sth) shkëmbej
to excuse (forgive) fal
to exist (vi) ekzistoj
to expect (anticipate) pres
to expect (foresee) parashikoj
to expel (from school, etc.) përjashtohem
to explain (vt) shpjegoj
to express (vt) shpreh
to extinguish (a fire) shuaj
to fall in love (with…) bie në dashuri
to feed (provide food) ushqej
to fight (against the enemy) luftoj
to fill (glass, bottle) mbush
to find (~ lost items) gjej
to finish (vt) përfundoj
to fish (angle) peshkoj
to fit (ab. dress, etc.) më rri mirë
to flatter (vt) lajkatoj
to fly (bird, plane) fluturoj
to follow … (come after) ndjek …
to forbid (vt) ndaloj
to force (compel) detyroj
to forget (vi, vt) harroj
to forgive (pardon) fal
to form (constitute) formoj
to get dirty (vi) bëhem pis
to get infected (with…) infektohem …
to get irritated acarohem
to get married martohem
to get rid of … heq qafe …
to get tired lodhem
to get up (arise from bed) ngrihem
to give (vt) jap
to give a bath (to bath) lahem
to give a hug, to hug (vt) përqafoj
to give in (yield to) tërhiqem
to glimpse (vt) hedh një sy
to go (by car, etc.) shkoj
to go (on foot) ec në këmbë
to go for a swim notoj
to go out (for dinner, etc.) dal
to go to bed (go to sleep) shtrihem
to greet (vt) përshëndes
to grow (plants) rris
to guarantee (vt) garantoj
to guess (the answer) hamendësoj
to hand out (distribute) shpërndaj
to hang (curtains,etc.) var
to have (vt) kam
to have a try përpiqem
to have breakfast ha mëngjes
to have dinner ha darkë
to have lunch ha drekë
to head (group, etc.) drejtoj
to hear (vt) dëgjoj
to heat (vt) ngroh
to help (vt) ndihmoj
to hide (vt) fsheh
to hire (e.g., ~ a boat) marr me qira
to hire (staff) punësoj
to hope (vi, vt) shpresoj
to hunt (for food, sport) dal për gjah
to hurry (vi) nxitoj
to imagine (to picture) imagjinoj
to imitate (vt) imitoj
to implore (vt) përgjërohem
to import (vt) importoj
to increase (vi) shtoj
to increase (vt) rritem
to infect (vt) ndot
to influence (vt) ndikoj
to inform (e.g., ~ the police about …) njoftoj
to inform (vt) informoj
to inherit (vt) trashëgoj
to inquire (about …) pyes për
to insert (put in) fus
to insinuate (imply) nënkuptoj
to insist (vi, vt) këmbëngul
to inspire (vt) frymëzoj
to instruct (teach) udhëzoj
to insult (offend) fyej
to interest (vt) interesohem
to intervene (vi) ndërhyj
to introduce (sb to sb) prezantoj
to invent (machine, etc.) shpik
to invite (vt) ftoj
to iron (clothes) hekuros
to irritate (annoy) acaroj
to isolate (vt) izoloj
to join (political party, etc.) i bashkohem
to joke (be kidding) bëj shaka
to keep (old letters, etc.) mbaj
to keep silent hesht
to kill (vt) vras
to knock (on the door) trokas
to know (sb) njoh
to know (sth) di [di]
to laugh (vi) qesh
to launch (start up) nis
to leave (~ for Mexico) largohem
to leave (spouse) lë
to liberate (city, etc.) çliroj
to lie (~ on the floor) shtrihem
to lie (tell untruth) gënjej
to light (campfire, etc.) ndez
to light up (illuminate) ndriçoj
to like (I like …) pëlqej
to limit (vt) kufizoj
to listen (vi) dëgjoj
to live (~ in France) jetoj
to live (exist) jetoj
to load (gun) mbush
to load (vehicle, etc.) ngarkoj
to look (I'm just ~ing) shikoj
to look for … (search) kërkoj …
to look like (resemble) ngjasoj
to lose (umbrella, etc.) humb
to love (sb) dashuroj
to lower (blind, head) ul
to make (~ dinner) përgatis
to make a mistake gaboj
to make angry zemëroj
to make easier lehtësoj
to make multiple copies shumëfishoj
to make the acquaintance njihem me
to make use (of …) përdor
to manage, to run drejtoj
to mark (make a mark) shënjoj
to mean (signify) nënkuptoj
to memorize (vt) mbaj mend
to mention (talk about) përmend
to miss (school, etc.) humbas
to mix (combine, blend) përziej
to mock (make fun of) tallem
to move (to shift) lëviz
to multiply (math) shumëzoj
must (v aux) duhet
to name, to call (vt) emërtoj
to negotiate (vi) negocioj
to note (write down) shënoj
to notice (see) vërej
to obey (vi, vt) bindem
to object (vi, vt) kundërshtoj
to observe (see) vëzhgoj
to offend (vt) ofendoj
to omit (word, phrase) heq
to open (vt) hap
to order (in restaurant) porosis
to order (mil.) urdhëroj
to organize (concert, party) organizoj
to overestimate (vt) mbivlerësoj
to own (possess) zotëroj
to participate (vi) marr pjesë
to pass through (by car, etc.) kaloj
to pay (vi, vt) paguaj
to peep, spy on spiunoj
to penetrate (vt) depërtoj
to permit (vt) lejoj
to pick (flowers) këpus
to place (put, set) vendos
to plan (~ to do sth) planifikoj
to play (actor) luaj
to play (children) luaj
to point (~ the way) tregoj
to pour (liquid) derdh
to pray (vi, vt) lutem
to prefer (vt) preferoj
to prepare (~ a plan) përgatis
to present (sb to sb) prezantoj
to preserve (peace, life) ruaj
to prevail (vt) mbizotëroj
to progress (move forward) ec përpara
to promise (vt) premtoj
to pronounce (vt) shqiptoj
to propose (vt) propozoj
to protect (e.g., ~ nature) mbroj
to protest (vi) protestoj
to prove (vt) dëshmoj
to provoke (vt) provokoj
to pull (~ the rope) tërheq
to punish (vt) ndëshkoj
to push (~ the door) shtyj
to put away (vt) largoj
to put in order rregulloj
to put, to place vendos
to quote (cite) citoj
to reach (arrive at) arrij
to read (vi, vt) lexoj
to realize (a dream) përmbush
to recognize (identify sb) njoh
to recommend (vt) rekomandoj
to recover (~ from flu) shërohem
to redo (do again) ribëj
to reduce (speed, etc.) ul
to refuse (~ sb) refuzoj
to regret (be sorry) pendohem
to reinforce (vt) përforcoj
to remember (Do you ~ me?) kujtoj
to remember (I can't ~ her name) kujtohem
to remind of … më kujton …
to remove (~ a stain) heq
to remove (~ an obstacle) largoj
to rent (sth from sb) marr me qira
to repair (mend) riparoj
to repeat (say again) përsëris
to report (make a report) raportoj
to reproach (vt) qortoj
to reserve, to book rezervoj
to restrain (hold back) ruhem
to return (come back) kthehem
to risk, to take a risk rrezikoj
to rub out (erase) fshij
to run (move fast) vrapoj
to rush (hurry sb) nxitoj
to satisfy (please) kënaq
to save (rescue) shpëtoj
to say (~ thank you) them
to scold (vt) qortoj
to scratch (with claws) gërvisht
to seal vulos
to select (to pick) zgjedh
to sell (goods) shes
to send (a letter) dërgoj
to send back (vt) kthej mbrapsht
to sense (~ danger) parandiej
to sentence (vt) dënoj
to serve (in a restaurant) shërbej
to settle (a conflict) zgjidh
to shake (vt) tund
to shave (vi) rruhem
to shine (gleam) shkëlqej
to shiver (with cold) dridhem
to shoot (vi) qëlloj
to shout (vi) bërtas
to show (to display) tregoj
to shudder (vi) rrëqethem
to sigh (vi) psherëtij
to sign (document) nënshkruaj; firmoj
to signify (mean) nënkuptoj
to simplify (vt) thjeshtoj
to sin (vi) mëkatoj
to sit (be sitting) ulem
to sit down (vi) ulem
to smell (emit an odor) mban erë
to smell (inhale the odor) nuhas
to smile (vi) buzëqesh
to snap (vi, ab. rope) këpus
to solve (problem) zgjid
to sow (seed, crop) mbjell
to spill (liquid) derdh
to spill out, scatter (flour, etc.) derdh
to spit (vi) pështyj
to stand (toothache, cold) duroj
to start (begin) filloj
to steal (money, etc.) vjedh
to stop (for pause, etc.) ndaloj
to stop (please ~ calling me) ndaloj
to stroke (caress) përkëdhel
to study (vt) studioj
to suffer (feel pain) vuaj
to support (cause, idea) mbështes
to suppose (assume) supozoj
to surface (submarine) dal në sipërfaqe
to surprise (amaze) befasoj
to suspect (vt) dyshoj
to swim (vi) notoj
to take (get hold of) marr
to take a bath lahem
to take a rest pushoj
to take away (e.g., about waiter) heq
to take off (airplane) nisem
to take off (painting, curtains, etc.) heq
to take pictures bëj foto
to talk to … bisedoj …
to teach (give lessons) mësoj
to tear off, to rip off (vt) gris
to tell (story, joke) tregoj
to thank (vt) falënderoj
to think (believe) besoj
to think (vi, vt) mendoj
to threaten (vt) kërcënoj
to throw (stone, etc.) hedh
to tickle gudulis
to tie up (prisoner) prangos
to tire (make tired) lodh
to touch (one's arm, etc.) prek
to tower (over …) ngrihem mbi
to train (animals) stërvit
to train (sb) stërvit [stəɾvít]
to train (vi) stërvitem
to transform (vt) shndërrohem
to translate (vt) përkthej
to treat (illness) kuroj
to treat (guests) gostit
to trust (vt) besoj
to try (attempt) përpiqem
to turn (e.g., ~ left) kthej
to turn off (the light) fik
to turn on (computer, etc.) ndez
to underestimate (vt) nënvlerësoj
to underline (vt) nënvijëzoj
to understand (vt) kuptoj
to undertake (vt) ndërmarr
to unfold zbledh
to unite (vt) bashkoj
to untie (vt) zgjidh
to urinate përmjerr
to use (phrase, word) përdor
to vaccinate (vt) vaksinoj
to vote (vi) votoj
to wait (vt) pres
to wake (sb) zgjoj
to want (wish, desire) dëshiroj
to warn (of the danger) paralajmëroj
to wash (clean) laj
to water (plants) ujis
to wave (the hand) bëj me dorë
to weigh (have weight) peshoj
to work (vi) punoj
to worry (make anxious) preokupoj
to worry (vi) shqetësohem
to wrap (parcel, etc.) mbështjell
to wrestle (sport) ndeshem
to write (vt) shkruaj
Most Common Albanian Adverbs
left (adj) majtë
on the left majtas
to the left në të majtë
right (adj) djathtë
on the right djathtas
to the right në të djathtë
in front (adv) përballë
front (as adj) i përparmë
ahead (the kids ran ~) përpara
behind (adv) prapa
from behind nga prapa
back (towards the rear) pas
middle mes (m)
in the middle në mes
at the side në anë
everywhere (adv) kudo
around (in all directions) përreth
from inside nga brenda
somewhere (to go) diku
straight (directly) drejt
back (e.g., come ~) pas
from anywhere nga kudo
from somewhere nga diku
firstly (adv) së pari
secondly (adv) së dyti
thirdly (adv) së treti
suddenly (adv) befas
at first (in the beginning) në fillim
for the first time për herë të parë
long before … shumë përpara …
anew (over again) sërish
for good (adv) një herë e mirë
never (adv) kurrë
again (adv) përsëri
now (at present) tani
often (adv) shpesh
then (adv) atëherë
urgently (quickly) urgjent
usually (adv) zakonisht
by the way, … meqë ra fjala, …
possibly ndoshta
probably (adv) mundësisht
maybe (adv) mbase
besides … përveç
that's why … ja përse …
in spite of … pavarësisht se …
thanks to … falë …
what (pron.) çfarë
that (conj.) që
something diçka
anything (something) ndonji gjë
nothing asgjë
who (pron.) kush
someone dikush
somebody dikush
nobody askush
nowhere (a voyage to ~) askund
so (I'm ~ glad) aq
also (as well) gjithashtu
too (as well) gjithashtu
Why? Pse?
for some reason për një arsye
because … sepse …
for some purpose për ndonjë shkak
and dhe
or ose
but por
for (e.g., ~ me) për
too (~ many people) tepër
only (exclusively) vetëm
exactly (adv) pikërisht
about (more or less) rreth
approximately (adv) përafërsisht
approximate (adj) përafërt
almost (adv) pothuajse
the rest mbetje (f)
the other (second) tjetri
other (different) tjetër
each (adj) çdo
any (no matter which) çfarëdo
many (adj) disa
much (adv) shumë
many people shumë njerëz
all (everyone) të gjithë
in return for … në vend të …
in exchange (adv) në shkëmbim të
hardly vështirë se
probably (adv) mundësisht
on purpose (intentionally) me qëllim
by accident (adv) aksidentalisht
very (adv) shumë
for example (adv) për shembull
between midis
among rreth
so much (such a lot) kaq shumë
especially (adv) veçanërisht
Most Common Albanian Adjectives
additional (adj) shtesë
ancient (~ civilization) i lashtë
artificial (adj) artificial
back, rear (adj) i pasmë
bad (adj) i keq
beautiful (~ palace) i bukur
beautiful (person) i bukur
big (in size) i madh
bitter (taste) i hidhur
blind (sightless) i verbër
calm, quiet (adj) i qetë
careless (negligent) i pakujdesshëm
caring (~ father) i dashur
central (adj) qendror
cheap (low-priced) i lirë
cheerful (adj) i gëzuar
children's (adj) i fëmijëve
civil (~ law) civil
clandestine (secret) klandestin
clean (free from dirt) i pastër
clear (explanation, etc.) i qartë
clever (smart) i zgjuar
close (near in space) i afërt
closed (adj) i mbyllur
cloudless (sky) pa re
cold (drink, weather) i ftohtë
compatible (adj) i përshtatshëm
contented (satisfied) i kënaqur
continuous (uninterrupted) i vazhdueshëm
cool (weather) i ftohtë
dangerous (adj) i rrezikshëm
dark (room) i errët
dead (not alive) i vdekur
dense (fog, smoke) i dendur
destitute (extremely poor) i mjerë
different (not the same) i ndryshëm
difficult (problem, task) i vështirë
dim, faint (light) i zbehtë
dirty (not clean) i pistë
distant (in space) i largët
dry (clothes, etc.) i thatë
easy (not difficult) i lehtë
empty (glass, room) zbrazët
even (e.g., ~ surface) i barabartë
exact (amount) i saktë
excellent (adj) i shkëlqyer
excessive (adj) i tepërt
expensive (adj) i shtrenjtë
exterior (adj) i jashtëm
far (the ~ East) larg
fast (quick) i shpejtë
fatty (food) i yndyrshëm
fertile (land, soil) pjellore
flat (~ panel display) i sheshtë
foreign (adj) huaj
fragile (china, glass) delikat
free (at no cost) falas
free (unrestricted) i lirë
fresh (~ water) i freskët
fresh (e.g., ~ bread) i freskët
frozen (food) i ngrirë
full (completely filled) i mbushurb
gloomy (house, forecast) i vrazhdë
good (book, etc.) i mirë
good, kind (kindhearted) i mirë
grateful (adj) mirënjohës
happy (adj) i lumtur
hard (not soft) i fortë
heavy (in weight) i rëndë
hostile (adj) armiqësor
hot (adj) i nxehtë
huge (adj) i madh
humid (adj) i lagësht
hungry (adj) i uritur
ill (sick, unwell) i sëmurë
immobile (adj) i palëvizshëm
important (adj) i rëndësishëm
impossible (adj) i pamundur
incomprehensible i pakuptueshëm
indispensable (adj) i pazëvendësueshëm
inexperienced (adj) i papërvojë
insignificant (adj) i parëndësishëm
interior (adj) i brendshëm
joint (~ decision) i përbashkët
last (e.g., ~ week) i fundit
last (final) i fundit
left (e.g., ~ side) majtë
legal (legitimate) ligjor
light (in weight) i lehtë
light (pale color) i çelët
limited (adj) i kufizuar
liquid (fluid) i lëngët
long (e.g., ~ hair) i gjatë
loud (voice, etc.) i lartë
low (voice) i ulët
main (principal) kryesor
meticulous (job) i hollësishëm
mysterious (adj) misterioz
narrow (street, etc.) i ngushtë
native (~ country) autokton
nearby (adj) pranë
nearsighted (adj) miop
needed (necessary) i nevojshëm
negative (~ response) negativ
neighboring (adj) fqinj
nervous (adj) nervoz
new (adj) i ri
next (e.g., ~ week) tjetër
nice (agreeable) i mirë
pleasant (voice) i bukur
normal (adj) normal
not big (adj) jo i madh
not difficult (adj) jo i vështirë
obligatory (adj) i detyrueshëm
old (house) i vjetër
open (adj) i hapur
opposite (adj) i kundërt
ordinary (usual) i zakonshëm
original (unusual) origjinal
past (recent) kaluar
permanent (adj) i përhershëm
personal (adj) personal
polite (adj) i sjellshëm
poor (not rich) i varfër
possible (adj) i mundur
present (current) i pranishëm
previous (adj) i mëparshëm
principal (main) kryesor
private (~ jet) privat
probable (adj) i mundshëm
prolonged (e.g., ~applause) i zgjatur
public (open to all) publik
punctual (person) i përpiktë
quiet (tranquil) i qetë
rare (adj) i rrallë
raw (uncooked) i gjallë
right (not left) djathtë
right, correct (adj) i saktë
ripe (fruit) i pjekur
risky (adj) i rrezikshëm
sad (depressing) i mërzitur
safe (not dangerous) i sigurt
salty (food) kripur
satisfied (customer) i kënaqur
second hand (adj) i përdorur
shallow (water) i cekët
sharp (blade, etc.) i mprehtë
short (in length) i shkurtër
short, short-lived (adj) jetëshkurtër
similar (adj) i ngjashëm
simple (easy) i thjeshtë
skinny i hollë
small (in size) i vogël
smooth (surface) i lëmuar
soft (~ toys) i butë
solid (~ wall) i ngjeshur
sour (flavor, taste) i hidhur
spacious (house, etc.) i bollshëm
special (adj) i veçantë
straight (line, road) i drejtë
strong (person) i fortë
stupid (foolish) budalla
suitable (e.g., ~ for drinking) i përshtatshëm
sunny (day) me diell
superb, perfect (adj) i përsosur
swarthy (adj) zeshkan
sweet (sugary) i ëmbël
tan (adj) i nxirë
tasty (delicious) i shijshëm
tender (affectionate) i ndjeshëm
the highest (adj) më i larti
the most important më i rëndësishmi
the nearest më i afërti
the same, equal (adj) i njëjtë
thick (wall, slice) i trashë
thin (person) i dobët
tight (~ shoes) ngushtë
tired (exhausted) i lodhur
tiring (adj) i mundimshëm
transparent (adj) i tejdukshëm
unclear (adj) i paqartë
unique (exceptional) unik
various (adj) i ndryshëm
warm (moderately hot) ngrohtë
wet (e.g., ~ clothes) i lagur
whole (entire, complete) i plotë
wide (e.g., ~ road) i gjerë
young (adj) i ri
Counting in Albanian
numër number
shifër digit
matematikë mathematics
llogaritje calculation
numërim counting
sasi quantity
shumë amount
pak few
pjesë part
pjesëtim division
zero zero
një one
dy two
tre three
katër four
pesë five
gjashtë six
shtatë seven
tetë eight
nëntë nine
dhjetë ten
njëmbëdhjetë eleven
dymbëdhjetë twelve
trembëdhjetë thirteen
katërmbëdhjetë fourteen
pesëmbëdhjetë fifteen
gjashtëmbëdhjetë sixteen
shtatëmbëdhjetë seventeen
tetëmbëdhjetë eighteen
nëntëmbëdhjetë nineteen
njëzet twenty
tridhjetë thirty
dyzet forty
pesëdhjetë fifty
gjashtëdhjetë sixty
shtatëdhjetë seventy
tetëdhjetë eighty
nëntëdhjetë ninety
njëqind one hundred
një mijë one thousand
milion million
miliard billion
bilion trillion
gjysmë half
çerek quarter
treçerek three quarters
dyfish double
trefish triple
katërfish quadruple
shumëfish multiple
i parë first
i dytë second
i tretë third
i katërt fourth
i pestë fifth
i gjashtë sixth
i shtatë seventh
i tetë eighth
i nëntë ninth
i dhjetë tenth
gjithë all
asnjë none
disa some
të gjithë everyone
pothuajse almost
afërsisht approximately
fiks exactly
plotësisht completely
pjesërisht partially
mesatarisht on average
përqindje percentage
shkallë scale
nivel level
gradualisht gradually
në rritje increasing
në ulje decreasing
barabartë equal
pabarabartë unequal
dy herë twice
tri herë three times
shtim addition
mbledhje sum
zbritje subtraction
shumëzim multiplication
ndarje division
pjesëtim i barabartë equal division
shumëfishim multiplication factor
numër çift even number
numër tek odd number
përqind percent
numër primar prime number
numër i plotë whole number
numër dhjetor decimal number
numër negativ negative number
numër pozitiv positive number
numër racional rational number
numër iracional irrational number
shifra e fundit last digit
shifra e parë first digit
vlera numerike numeric value
Time in Albanian
kohë time
orë hour
sekondë second
minutë minute
ditë day
javë week
muaj month
vit year
shekull century
mijëvjeçar millennium
mëngjes morning
mesditë noon
pasdite afternoon
mbrëmje evening
natë night
mesnatë midnight
dje yesterday
sot today
nesër tomorrow
pasnesër the day after tomorrow
pardje the day before yesterday
dita e hënë Monday
dita e martë Tuesday
dita e mërkurë Wednesday
dita e enjte Thursday
dita e premte Friday
dita e shtunë Saturday
dita e diel Sunday
janar January
shkurt February
mars March
prill April
maj May
qershor June
korrik July
gusht August
shtator September
tetor October
nëntor November
dhjetor December
pranverë spring
verë summer
vjeshtë autumn
dimër winter
e kaluar past
e tashme present
e ardhme future
fillim beginning
fund end
periudhë period
epokë era
shekullor centennial
orari schedule
afat deadline
kalendar calendar
agim dawn
muzg dusk
perëndim sunset
lindje e diellit sunrise
çast moment
kohë e lirë free time
vonesë delay
përhershmëri permanence
përkohshmëri temporariness
përpara before
tani now
më vonë later
së shpejti soon
më parë earlier
asnjëherë never
ndonjëherë sometimes
gjithmonë always
shpesh often
rrallë rarely
çdo ditë every day
çdo javë every week
çdo muaj every month
çdo vit every year
çdo mëngjes every morning
çdo natë every night
orë e saktë exact time
orë e gabuar wrong time
akrepat e orës clock hands
orë dore wristwatch
orë muri wall clock
orar zyrtar official schedule
paradite forenoon
pas mesnate after midnight
natën vonë late at night
mëngjes herët early morning
pasditen vonë late afternoon
çerek ore quarter of an hour
gjysmë ore half an hour
treçerek ore three-quarters of an hour
kohë e humbur lost time
kohë e fituar gained time
me kalimin e kohës over time
në momentin e fundit at the last moment
në kohën e duhur on time
jashtë kohe out of time
koha kalon shpejt time flies
ora një one o’clock
ora dy two o’clock
ora tre three o’clock
ora katër four o’clock
ora pesë five o’clock
ora gjashtë six o’clock
ora shtatë seven o’clock
ora tetë eight o’clock
ora nëntë nine o’clock
ora dhjetë ten o’clock
ora njëmbëdhjetë eleven o’clock
ora dymbëdhjetë twelve o’clock
ora trembëdhjetë thirteen o’clock (1 PM)
ora katërmbëdhjetë fourteen o’clock (2 PM)
ora pesëmbëdhjetë fifteen o’clock (3 PM)
ora gjashtëmbëdhjetë sixteen o’clock (4 PM)
ora shtatëmbëdhjetë seventeen o’clock (5 PM)
ora tetëmbëdhjetë eighteen o’clock (6 PM)
ora nëntëmbëdhjetë nineteen o’clock (7 PM)
ora njëzet twenty o’clock (8 PM)
ora njëzet e një twenty-one o’clock (9 PM)
ora njëzet e dy twenty-two o’clock (10 PM)
ora njëzet e tre twenty-three o’clock (11 PM)
ora njëzet e katër twenty-four o’clock (12 AM)
Family in Albanian
familje family
anëtar i familjes family member
lidhje familjare family relation
prejardhje ancestry
fis kin
farefis relatives
brez generation
origjinë origin
gjenealogji genealogy
histori familjare family history
prindër parents
baba father
nënë mother
prind i vetëm single parent
babai birësues adoptive father
nëna birësuese adoptive mother
babai biologjik biological father
nëna biologjike biological mother
prindër pleq elderly parents
kujdes prindëror parental care
fëmijë child
djalë son
vajzë daughter
binjakë twins
foshnjë baby
fëmijë i vetëm only child
adoleshent teenager
fëmijë i adoptuar adopted child
rritur grown-up
i mitur minor
vëlla brother
motër sister
vëlla i madh older brother
motër e madhe older sister
vëlla i vogël younger brother
motër e vogël younger sister
binjak vëlla twin brother
binjake motër twin sister
gjysmë vëlla half-brother
gjysmë motër half-sister
gjyshër grandparents
gjysh grandfather
gjyshe grandmother
stërgjysh great-grandfather
stërgjyshe great-grandmother
nip grandson / nephew
mbesë granddaughter / niece
stërnip great-grandson
stërmbesë great-granddaughter
familje e madhe extended family
tezë maternal aunt
dajë maternal uncle
hallë paternal aunt
xhaxha paternal uncle
kunatë sister-in-law
kunat brother-in-law
kushëri cousin (male)
kushërirë cousin (female)
krushk in-law
baxhanak co-brother-in-law
bashkëshortë spouses
burrë husband
grua wife
martesë marriage
i fejuar fiancé (male)
e fejuar fiancée (female)
bashkëjetesë cohabitation
divorc divorce
i divorcuar divorced (male)
e divorcuar divorced (female)
dasmë wedding
ceremoni martesore wedding ceremony
kurorë wedding ring
dhëndër groom
nuse bride
vjehrrë mother-in-law
vjehërr father-in-law
krushqi family connection by marriage
miqësi friendship
shoqëri companionship
familje e re new family
prindër të rinj new parents
kujdestar guardian
i afërt close relative
i largët distant relative
fëmijë i rritur nga gjyshërit child raised by grandparents
familje birësuese adoptive family
familje e ndarë separated family
familje e përzier blended family
strehë familjare family shelter
dashuri familjare family love
mbështetje support
tradita familjare family traditions
festë familjare family celebration
tubim familjar family gathering
kujtime familjare family memories
sekrete familjare family secrets
përgjegjësi prindërore parental responsibility
trashëgimi inheritance
unitet familjar family unity
Colors, Shapes and Sizes in Albanian
ngjyrë color
e bardhë white
e zezë black
e kuqe red
e kaltër blue
e verdhë yellow
e gjelbër green
e portokalltë orange
e purpurt purple
rozë pink
kafe brown
gri gray
argjendtë silver
ari gold
bezhë beige
e errët dark
e çelur light
e ndezur bright
e zbehtë pale
e tejdukshme transparent
formë shape
rreth circle
katror square
drejtkëndësh rectangle
trekëndësh triangle
elipsë ellipse
oval oval
gjysmëhënë crescent
yll star
zemër heart
tetëkëndësh octagon
pesëkëndësh pentagon
gjashtëkëndësh hexagon
diamant diamond
kub cube
cilindër cylinder
sferë sphere
koni cone
piramidë pyramid
spiralë spiral
madhësi size
i madh big
i vogël small
i mesëm medium
gjigant giant
i imët tiny
i hollë thin
i trashë thick
i gjatë long
i shkurtër short
i gjerë wide
i ngushtë narrow
i lartë tall
i ulët low
i thellë deep
i cekët shallow
i rëndë heavy
i lehtë light (weight)
i barabartë equal
i pabarabartë unequal
i zgjatur elongated
i rrumbullakët rounded
i këndshëm angular
i shtrembër crooked
i drejtpërdrejtë straight
i harkuar curved
i lakuar bent
i prerë cut
i mprehtë sharp
i sheshtë flat
i ngjeshur dense
i holluar diluted
i plotë full
i zbrazët empty
i trashësuar thickened
i rrallë sparse
i mbushur filled
i zbardhur whitened
i lyer painted
i përzier mixed
i njollosur stained
i ndritshëm shiny
i mat matte
i shkëlqyeshëm brilliant
i errët shadowed
i tejdukshëm see-through
i paqartë blurry
i lëmuar smooth
i ashpër rough
i copëzuar fragmented
hije shade
ngjyrë e thellë deep color
ngjyrë e zbehtë faded color
ngjyrë neutrale neutral color
ngjyrë e ndezur vibrant color
kombinim ngjyrash color combination
tonalitet tone
gradient gradient
reflektim reflection
kontrast contrast

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